Orgvue 3.80 Release Notes


Welcome to Orgvue 3.80

In this month’s release, we have improved the forecasting of your workforce supply within workforce planning, you can now open multiple org modelling workstreams together in Workspace, and we have improved the user experience when dragging and dropping nodes on a tree

Look for a ⭐️ for features that were requested by you, our customers, and users.

The key objectives and benefits of the release include:

Improve the Forecast of Workforce Supply⭐️ You can now assess how "Voluntary & Involuntary leavers" along with "Early retirement" programs can help address future surplus risks

Increase the accuracy of your retirement forecast⭐️ Explore the impact of different retirement ages by location, role cluster or business unit in the same plan.

Define hiring policy when closing the gap⭐️ Explore the impact of limits on labour market availability or internal recruitment capacity on future gaps.

View Multiple Workstreams⭐️ Open multiple workstreams together in read-only mode for visualization and reporting

Automatically Pan Tree Slide⭐️ Tree slide canvas pans as you drag and drop from one side of the tree to the other

Drag and Drop Multiple Nodes⭐️ Select multiple nodes and drag, they will all move together

Improved Node Count with Paging Paint with data from filter panel with full confidence of which nodes are being updated

Open Multiple Workstreams

Users will now be able to open multiple workstreams together from Workspace in read-only mode for visualization and reporting.

To do so, users will see check boxes instead of radio buttons in the opening flow when they have access to >1 workstream, and they will have the option to select all or select a group of workstreams to open and view together.

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Tree Panning

Effortlessly reposition nodes in a tree with a single fluid motion.

Our enhanced canvas on Tree Slide dynamically pans as you drag and drop from one side of the tree to the other.

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Drag and Drop Multiple Nodes

Previously, selecting multiple nodes only to have just one node move when you dragged was a major pitfall and frustration for all our users.

With this latest update, when you select multiple nodes and drag, they will all move together!

The node count icon will show you how many nodes you are moving.

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Improve Retirement Forecast Accuracy

This release allows you to either, apply a default retirement age to all positions in your plan or you can now add specific retirement ages by role cluster, location or business unit.

Any segments with no specific values entered will inherit the default age

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Workforce Supply Forecast Enhancements

Enhance your workforce supply forecasting assumptions with the addition of the following options:

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  1. Voluntary Leavers: Provide the expected attrition rate
  2. Early Retirement: Provide the specific early retirement age
  3. Involuntary Leavers: Provide the expected leavers rate

Define external hiring policy

The external hiring option is available for quarterly or annual plans and allows you to define your external hiring policy from 3 options

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  1. No, don't hire: This will set the hire rate to zero
  2. Yes, hire with limitations: Use the +Add Detailed Assumptions to define hiring limitations
  3. Yes, hire externally: 100% of gaps will be filled externally

Improved Node Count With Paging

Any paging applied to your data will not impact the node count being displayed within the filter panel, so you can paint with data in full confidence of the number of nodes being changed

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