Orgvue 3.74 Release Notes


Watch a recording of our release webinar introducing these new features by clicking the link Release 3.74 Webinar and registering to view the recording

Welcome to Orgvue 3.74! In this months release, we're focused on enhancing your experience and efficiency within the platform. The key objectives and benefits of the release include:

Replace Unknown Properties⭐️
With this improvement, administrators gain visibility into how a Pack was configured in cases of schema mismatches. The ability to replace unknown properties in a Pack slide simplifies management, offering more control over your Packs.

Coming soon in February: Introducing Workstreams⭐️
Explore the new concept of Workstreams in Orgvue, designed to divide and assign work efficiently. Initially available in the Org Modelling guided experience, Workstreams enable users to split data based on selected properties, enhancing data organization and assignment.

Automation and Augmentation Scenario Modeling
Dive into the impact of automation and productivity augmentation scenarios in your workforce plan. When creating a Workforce plan, input expected productivity gains to visualize the effects over time. This feature is particularly useful for transformation initiatives, process improvements, and digitalization projects.

Pinboard Enhancement⭐️
The Pinboard now supports up to 25,000 nodes, a significant improvement from the previous limit of 500 nodes. This enhancement allows users to drag nodes into a pool, facilitating the analysis process and expanding the capabilities of the Pinboard feature. These updates aim to make Orgvue more intuitive, collaborative, and powerful for your organization's workforce management and modeling needs. We encourage you to explore these new features and improvements and welcome your feedback for ongoing enhancements.

⭐️'s represent features and improvements you have asked for.

New features

Replace Unknown Properties

How does Replace Unknown Properties work?

Administrators will now be able to see how a Pack was configured where there is a schema mismatch and can replace unknown properties in a pack slide. Go to the Pack dropdown when in a pack and select Replace missing properties. Note this only applies to packs created from a blank template.

What does Replace Unknown Properties look like?

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Introducing Workstreams

How do Workstreams work?

New concept in Orgvue to divide and assign work within Orgvue which will initially be available in the Org Modelling guided experience. When in the Org Modelling guided experience, you can select up to 5 properties to split your data by and a workstream will be generated for each combination of the attributes within the selected property.

What do Workstreams look like?

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Automation and Augmentation Scenario Modeling

How does Automation and Augmentation Scenario Modeling work?

Now you can explore the impact of work automation or productivity augmentation scenarios (i.e., transformation initiatives, process improvements, digitalization projects, etc.) in your workforce plan. When creating a Workforce plan you can input your expected productivity gains and visualise the impact over time.

What does Automation and Augmentation Scenario Modeling look like?

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The pinboard has been enhanced to handle up to 25,000 nodes, up from 500 nodes previously.

How does Pinboard work?

The pinboard enables users to drag nodes into a pool that can be saved and used later in your analysis.

What does Pinboard look like?

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Do you know about the Orgvue's template packs?

Orgvue offers a range of out-of-the-box packs that help you start with your organization analysis quickly, rapidly equipping you with detailed insights to visualize and analyse the size, cost, structure and composition of the organization. Using our experience in Org Analytics over the years we have created a curated selection of reports to to address specific business use cases. A detailed description of each pack is available in Orgvue Knowledge Base

How do Orgvue standard templates work?

When opening a Dataset you can choose to create a new pack. When creating a new pack you will be offered all the existing template packs. Once you have selected a standard template you will be asked to map your organization's data to enable the calculations embedded in Orgvue's templates. Once completed you will be equipped with detailed insights to visualize and analyse the size, cost, structure and composition of the organization.

What does Workforce Structure Pack look like?

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