Orgvue 3.60 Release Notes


Welcome to the 3.60 release notes! In this release we have made it easier to find your favorite packs, and improved some of the most used areas of Orgvue such as Filters, Colors, Charts and more. Check out the changes below.

Watch a recording of our release webinar introducing these new features by clicking the link Release 3.60 Webinar and registering to view the recording

Look out for a ⭐️ for the features and improvements you have asked for.

What's new

New features


New features

Files associated with a user

See every file that a user has access to from their profile page in Settings. To help you better understand and manage your users and they have access to.

How does associated files work?

Simply go to "User management", select a user and click on "Associated files".

What does associated files look like?

Associated files


Editable axis labels

Add more context to your charts with editable axis labels to use words that fit your needs, your business and the story you need to tell.

How do editable axis labels work?

Double click on a chart's axis label to change it.

What do editable axis labels look like?

Editable axis labels

Total column on pivot slides

Easily summarize your data with a total column in Pivot slides.

How does the total column in pivot slides work?

You don't need to do anything. The total column will be automatically added to your Pivot table.

What does the total column in pivot slides like?

Total column on pivot slides

Reassign colors when filtering

When you choose to color by a property with lots of values (such as City or Employee Name) it can be very hard to spot differences when you have a color palette with a small number of colors.

You can now set colors to automatically reassign when you change your filter. So that you can spot different groups of records more easily.

How does reassigning colors when filtering work?

Color by a property as usual and then select the new option "Reassign colors when filtering".

Reassign colors when filtering menu

What does reassigning colors when filtering look like?

Reassigning colors on filter

Filter updates

We have made three changes to the filter control to give you flexibility and make filtering easier in Orgvue.

  1. You can now reorder your filters
  2. You can adjust the width of your filter columns
  3. Set selection straight from the filter window

Reordering your filters

You can now change the order your filters are applied without having to remove and re-add your filters.

Reordering filters

adjust the width of your filter columns

If a property value has a long name it can be hard to see all the information you need. You can now resize the columns in the filter control.

Adjust the width of your filter columns

Set selection straight from the filter window

Quickly add the records in your filter to selection by right clicking on the summary on the bottom corner of the filter column.

Set selection from filter window

Manage your data dynamically using the Pinboard

We have added two new capabilities to pinboard. You can now filter your data using your pinboard, apply colors using the pinboard and use pinboard collections in your Gizmo expressions.

How does filtering by your pinboard collections work?

Open the filter control and search for the property called "Pinboard". You will then be able to filter on your pinboard collections.

Filter using pinboard collections

How do you apply color using the pinboard?

You can use the pinboard just like any other property in the color control. Select "Color by property" then select "Pinboard" in the drop down list. Then apply the color palette of your choice.

Apply color using the pinboard

How can you use pinboard in your gizmo expressions?

To do this type node._pinboard into the Gizmo editor. This will return the names of the collections the record is in.

Converting a multi slide zone into a slide

Quickly deep dive into a multi slide zone by creating a new slide.

How does converting a multi slide zone into a slide work?

Grab the zone you want to convert and drag it to the "+" icon on the slide panel.

What does converting a multi slide zone into a slide look like?

Convert zone to slide

Drafts APIs

Directly update your systems with the changes made during organization modeling with our new "Drafts APIs".

You can find out more about our API updates here.

Set your scope in Organization Modeling

You can now use a view to set the scope of your Organization Modeling assignment by using a View you have already created in Workspace.

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