Position Planning

Now that the baseline snapshot has been taken, and the demand forecasted for role clusters, you can now move on to the position planning stage

This is the stage of Workforce Planning where you can share your workforce plans with the people in your business who are best placed to plan and approve position planning

The Position Planning screen has two tabs:

  1. Configuration
  2. Position Planning


The configuration tab is where you will select how you will slice the data to then select who in you business are best placed to plan and approve position planning

To select how to slice your data:


  1. Select the Select dimensions button
  2. This will open the Delegation Dimensions window
  3. Select up to 3 dimensions from the dropdown list to slice your data. The order of these dimensions will set the order of the table columns
  4. Select the Select dimensions button to complete the selection

The delegate contributors and approvers screen will then be shown containing:


  1. Dimensions selected during the Configuration stage will be shown slicing the data with columns able to be sorted and filtered
  2. Enter a Contributor Email for each data slice
  3. Enter an Approver Email for each data slice
  4. Select Create Position Plan once details have been entered
  5. A message will be shown will the Position plan is being created
  6. Once all plans have been created select Complete

This will generate a link that may then be shared with the Contributors and Approvers from the Configuration tab or the Position Planning Tab

Note: Email addresses entered for Contributors and Approvers will also require an account in the users dataset of the selected tenant

Position Planning Tab

The position planning tab shows the status of the position plan for each data slice and contains


  1. Dimensions selected during the Configuration stage will be shown slicing the data with columns able to be sorted and filtered
  2. Contributor Email for each data slice is shown
  3. Approver Email for each data slice is shown
  4. The current status of the position plan
  5. The plan may be opened directly using the Open button
  6. A link to share with the contributor or approver may be copied using the Copy share link

The next stage is in the Workforce Planning process is for the contributor to open and Complete The Plan

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