Override Demand

Initial demand is calculated from the snapshot taken during the Build Baseline phase of workforce planning

Once this initial demand is analysed, the results may show that the actual workforce demand does not match the demand values calculated from the positions in the baseline dataset

If this situation occurs you can manually enter values for the actual initial demand that deviate from the calculated initial demand from the baseline

To open the Demand Override screen either

  • A. Select You can also override your initial demand hyperlink on Demand Planning screen
  • B. Select the Override Demand button on the Build Baseline screen

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Create demand override

To create a demand override

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  1. Select the Override Demand button on the Build Baseline screen or You can also override your initial demand hyperlink on Demand Planning screen
  2. Select Create a new Override button
  3. This will open the Override screen where a name for the Override should be entered along with an optional description to give additional context to the demand Override
  4. Select the Create Override button

Demand Override Input

With the demand override created, values should then be entered for the role clusters that are to be overridden

Values entered replace initial demand calculated from the baseline positions dataset

To input Demand Override Values:

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  1. Select the Demand Override button to open the input screen
  2. Enter revised demand values to Override the initial demand for both Internal and /or External demand
  3. The Toolbox options may be used to copy and paste table values
  4. Select Save to save entered override values

Once saved, the entered Demand Override values will be used for demand planning

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      No results matching ""