Audit Log

The Audit Log provides users with the ability to view and download the changes for a specified Dataset, Draft or Pack over a selected date and time range

The Node Audit Log, when downloaded, provides a deep dive into Node level actions that have taken place in the dataset or draft for all Nodes that have been either created or updated

While the Metadata audit log provides a record of changes that have been made to the metadata of the selected Dataset

Access to the Audit logs for Dataset, Draft or Pack is only available for the owner of the dataset / pack or those with the role of Admin

The Users audit log is only available to Admin

Dataset Node Audit Log

To access the Node Audit Log for a specific dataset either:

  • Select the dataset on the Dataset List, then open the menu and select Node Audit Log
  • From the Dataset Metadata screen of the dataset, open the menu and select Node Audit Log

Dataset Metadata Audit Log

To access the Node Audit Log for a specific dataset either:

  • Select the dataset on the Dataset List, then open the menu and select Metadata Audit Log
  • From the Dataset Metadata screen of the dataset, open the menu and select Metadata Audit Log

Draft Audit Log

To access the Audit Log for a specific draft either:

  • Select the draft on the Drafts List, then open the menu and select Download Audit Log
  • From the Drafts Metadata screen of the draft, open the menu and select Download Audit Log

By default, the Audit Log screen will list all saves made to the selected draft in the previous 24-hour period


This screen will show:

  • A. The date and time the save was made
  • B. The user ID that conducted the save
  • C. The number of nodes impacted in the save action
  • D. Confirmation of the date and time range being displayed

    Note: Impacted nodes are defined as those which have been created, updated or deleted

  • E. The Node Level Audit Log may be accessed by selecting the tab

Amend Audit Date Range

To amend the date range for the audit log:


  1. Select the date range icon
  2. The current date range will be displayed. Click into this box to open the date picker
  3. Select the date and time range to include in the audit log and click OK
  4. When ready, click Download date range logs to download as a .csv file Note: Dates and times entered are GMT

Node Level Audit Log

The node level audit log allows the audit log to be shown for a single node over a selected time period to understand what changes have occurred

To access the node level audit log:


  1. Select the Node tab of the audit log
  2. Select the label property to be displayed for nodes in the audit log

    Note: Changing the label for Audit log does not affect dataset label property

  3. Option to view log Group By a selected property
  4. Search for node using selected label property
  5. Select the node to be displayed from the list
  6. Time*: The timestamp for change being saved
  7. Action*: The action conducted for node Changed or Created
  8. Change made by*: User ID making change
  9. Additional properties to display may be selected from those with recorded changes
  10. These will then be displayed to show new value of property for selected node

* Displayed by default

Note: Node level audit log will not show any deleted nodes

Node Unique ID

The node Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) is a randomly generated unique identifier for the node in Orgvue and this differs from the ID set on the Dataset Metadata screen

It is available to add to a downloaded audit log, allowing the user to be 100% sure which node has been created, updated or removed

To add the UUID to an audit log download:


  1. Select the Download date range logs button
  2. Select the Include Orgvue's unique ID checkbox
  3. Select the Download button

Audit CSV Files

The downloaded .csv files will contain a row for every node with the following columns depending on the action as shown in column A


  • A. Delete: Date & time of deletion, User ID
  • B. Update: Date & time of update, User ID, Node ID, new values of any updated properties
  • C. Create: Date & time of creation, User ID, all properties created

    Note: Downloaded data will be for the date range, entered up to a maximum of 100K nodes

Pack Metadata Audit Log

The pack metadata audit log provides detail on the changes that have occurred to a packs metadata

To access the Pack Audit Log select the Metadata audit log button from the Pack Metadata screen


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