Viewing statistics

The expression nodes()stats("[PropertyKey]") will return an array of descriptive statistics relating to the selected Property Key


Available statistics are:

Statistic Name
distinctCount Distinct Count
distinctMin Distinct Min
distinctMax Distinct Max
blankCount Blank Count
booleanCount Boolean Count
dateCount Date Count
numberCount Number Count
textCount Text Count
avg Average
min Minimum
max Maximum
sum Sum
length Length
count Count
cnt Cnt
sumSquares Sum of Squares
firstQuartile First Quartile
median Median
thirdQuartile Third Quartile
iqr Interquartile Range
mean Mean
range Range
stddev Standard Deviation
variance Variance

Adding a dot at the end nodes().stats("[PropertyKey]").[statistic] allows you to call one of the specific statistics for the selected property

Statistics All Nodes

To calculate the minimum salary of the whole organization

Assuming the field (PropertyKey) for which the minimum is required is Current Salary, use

 nodes().stats("Current Salary").min


Statistics for Subset of Nodes

To perform a calculation on a subset of dataset, filter() and n => n needs to be nested in the expression

See Filtering and Lambda expressions for further explanation of filter() and n => n

So to find the minimum salary of just male employees use

nodes().filter(n => n.gender == "Male").stats("Current Salary").min


Statistics Node Buckets

.bucketStats() efficiently calculates the descriptive statistics for a bucket intersection

Use the format .bucketStats([bucket keys], measure) to perform the aggregation

For example this could allow the comparison of the salary of an employee against the mean salary of employees in the same cohort expressed as a percentage

node.CurrentSalary / node.bucketStats(["department", "location"], "CurrentSalary").avg * 100


It should be noted that this method will return the result as a string not a number

Using node.math() at the start of the expression will return the result as a number rather than a string

node.math(`currentsalary / ${node.bucketStats(["department","location"], "currentsalary").avg} * 100`)


Note: The use of ` backticks around the expression within the Node.math(Expression) and the ${} around the ${node.bucketstats([bucket keys])}

Returning the result as a number has the benefit of being able to chain round or format

node.math(`currentsalary / ${node.bucketStats(["department", "location"], "currentsalary").avg} * 100`).round(1)


results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""