Advanced rollup calculations

Whilst the rollup() function allows the aggregation of measure property values the traverse() function returns a list of distinct results of a map across all descendants (inclusive)

The generic form for traverse() is:

node.traverse(map, reduce, finalize, options)

traverse returns the list of distinct results of the map across all descendants (inclusive) unless you choose to exclude self via the option {includeSelf: false}

map is a function that takes a node and returns an array.

reduce is a string: "distinctNodes"for a map that returns an array of nodes and "distinct" for a map that returns something else

finalize is optional and can often be left as undefined

options allows you to choose if you want to include the node referenced or not in the result

Distinct count of property values

To calculate the distinct count of departments of a nodes's descendants

Use traverse(map, reduce) and define the map function and reduce string.

We are interested in location so the map is:n => n.department

The result of the map isn't a node, so reduce is "distinct"

node.traverse(n => n.department, "distinct")


This is the list of distinct departments in the node's descendants

To count how many there are .count is added to the expression

node.traverse(n => n.department, "distinct").count


Distinct count of nodes

This example uses a people dataset and linked to an activity dataset

For a manager in the people dataset, you want to find the distinct leaf activities of its descendants

Then return the sum for activityFTE of those leaf activities

Use traverse(map, reduce) and define the map and the reduce

We are interested in leaf activities so the map is:

n => => n._is_leaf)

The result of the map is a node, so reduce is "distinctNodes"

node.traverse(n => => n._is_leaf), "distinctNodes")

The result is an array of nodes for the distinct leaf activities for the node's descendants


Each leaf activity is a node from the activity dataset

To view the labels for each of the nodes in the array .label can be added to the expression

node.traverse(n => => n._is_leaf), "distinctNodes").label


Finally to retrieve the activityFTE and sum the result add .activityFTE.sum to the expression

node.traverse(n => => n._is_leaf), "distinctNodes").activityfte.sum


Traverse excluding self

By default traverse() includes the current node (itself)

If you want the expression to exclude the current node then you can add an argument to the traverse() to "exclude self"

This has the generic form:

node.traverse(map, reduce, finalize {includeSelf:false})

This example expression provides a distinct list of values for the department property and includes the current node

node.traverse(n => n.department, "distinct")


To exclude the currently selected node

node.traverse(n => n.department, "distinct", {includeSelf:false})


Traverse on filtered data

If any filters applied to the dataset, traverse will perform calculations on the filtered subset of your data

node.traverse(n => n.department, "distinct")


To do traverse calculations on unfiltered data, use allTraverse() in the expression, instead of traverse()

node.allTraverse(n => n.department, "distinct")


results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""